Al-Quran 4:59


  1. When parties here to covenant and agree with each other none of the will take a position on any income tax return.

  2. Let me Analysis Qur'an 4:59 O you Believer! Obey Allah, Obey Messenger and those who charged with Authorithy among You. Who charged with authority Means Who announced Regulation. For example Trit Mohammed Omar who graduated Degree in tax and Customs Administration fighting for breaking article 54(3) of the Constitution of Ethiopia by article 11 of Federal income tax proclamation no.979/2016 and who create income tax brackets and progressive taxation rate for the sake of Economic growth, Political and Social Stability, Excellwnt Climate and soil Feritlity....etc has proof his awarded EU Blue Card/ EU Pasdport/ British Visa/ work permit in Tax and Customs Administration in European Union by definifion of his profession. Taxation is nature and its importance. The nature of Taxation is Progressive,Regressive, Proportional and Religous obligation. The provressive nature of Taxation is give a chance to acquired Golden Visa of Europen Union. Due to this results Trit Mohammed Omar holds British Citizenship by Naturalization.

  3. There are two ways in What Allah/God say in Qur'an 4:59 which is O you beliver! Obey Allah, Obey a messenger of Allah and those in Authority among you if you believe in Allah and last day. If disagreed over any things refer in to Allah that is the best way and best result.

    The two ways on this Chapter and Verse of Qur'an 4:59 are those who are hear and Obey (Qur'an 24:51) and those hear but disobeyed.(Qur'an 2:93)

  4. Let me Analysis Qur'an 4:59 Contextual as follows :-

    O you believer! Obey Allah, Obey Messanger and those Who Charged with Authority among You.
    Obey means Summit to the authority of (Some one) or company with Law. Example I always obey my father. Synonyms: do what some one says, take /accept orders from, carry out /follow, Conform... etc. Which related to Progessive Tax. What is a progresjjs

  5. Let me Analysis Qur'an 4:59 O you Beliver! Obey Allah, Obey Messanger of Allah and those who charged with Authority among you as follows:-
    Obey means Sumit to the Authority of (Some one) or Company with law.
    Example I always obey my father. Synonyms: do what some one say, take / accept orders from, Carry out / follow, Sumit to, Conform....etc. Which realted what is progressive tax? A progressive tax involves tax rate that increase (progress) as taxable income increases. It imposses a lower tax rate on low-income earnes and a higher tax rate on those with higher income. This is usually achieved by creating tax brackets that group taxpayers by income range. Which gives a chance to acquired Gold Visa European Citizenship.

  6. Let me Analysis Qur'an 4:59 O you beliver! Obey Allah, Obey Messanger and those Charged with Authority among you.

    Charged with Authority meaning that Regulations.

    Obey:-meaning Summite to the Authority or Comply with (a Law)
    Comply:- means act in Acvordance with a wish or Command.

    Example We are unable to comply with your request.
    What does comply with mean that to conform, Summite, or adapt (as to regulation or to another withs) as request or requested. Comply with federal law,the devices comply with industry standards.
    For exaple The Announcment of Trit Mohammed Omar and Prophet Jesus proclaim by proclamation no.1757/2012 Proclamation no.979/2016 and also Trit Mohammed Omar, a hero Legend PM Meles Zenawi and Allah/ God Proclaim by proclamation no. 175/2012!

    For more information Enter Google account write Proclamation no.175/2012, ቁራዓን 4:59፣ ቁራዓን 108፣ አዋጅ ቁጥር 175/2005 after searching click on image than proof Global or international.

  7. Let me analysis Qur'an 4:59 O you believe! Obey Allah, Obey, Messenger and those charged with Authority among you as follows:- Charge with Authority means that Regulation which related to definition of A Tax is a compulsory finacial charge or some other type of levy imposed on taxpayer..... Thus, tax collectors often monitor newspaper articles for stories about Trit Mohammed Omar who born on 30 April 1984 G.C in East of Ethiopia at BISIDIMO & Received 1-8 at Bisidimo primary School, 9-12 at Harar Senior Secondary School & Diploma in Accounting from Haramaya University & Degree in Tax and Customs Administration from Ethiopian Civil Service University fighting for breaking article 54(3) of the Constitution of Ethiopian by article 11 of Federal income tax proclamation no.979/2016 and Who create income tax brackets and Progressive tax rate for the sake of Economic Development, Political and Social Stability, Excellent Climate and Soil feritility....etc has proof his awardrd EU Blue Card / EU Passport/ British Visa / work permit in Tax and Customs Administration in European Union / British Certificate / Naturalization / obeying Law of land live in Which is Article 9 of the Constitution of Ethiopian / Qur'an 4:58-59, 3:159-60, Bible John 14:6, 3:27-30 by definition of his profession Taxation. Taxation meaning Nature and its importance. The Nature of Taxation is Progressive, Regressive, Proportional and Religous Obligation. The progressive nature of Taxation is gives a chance to acquired Golden Visa of European Citizenship for this results Trit Mohammed Omar awarded British Citizen ship by Greate Britain Government Context taxation meaning an act of Taxing Authority Usually Government leaving a financial obligation on its Citizen or Residancey which match to the Common refrence of Department of Work or Pension / Tax and Customs administration/ and home office of HM Revenue and Customs United Kingdom.

  8. ፍትህ ማለት በእግዚአብሔር ህግ በተሰበረበት በእያንዳንዱ ጊዜ ቅጣት የሚጠይቅ ዘላለም ህግ ነው። ( አልማ 42:13-24) ፣ የእግዚአብሔር ፍትህ ኃጥያተኞችን ከፃድቃን ለየ። (1 ኔፍ 15-30) ይህ ስንቶሮግሞው የኢትዮጵያን የፌዴራል የግብር/ታክስ አስተዳደር አዋጅ ቁጥር 979/2008 ዓ.ም አንቀፅ 11 የኢፌዴሪ ህገ መንግስት አንቀጽ 54(3) ጥሰት ጋር የተቆራኘ ሀሳብ እንደሆነ በአክብሮት እንገልፃለን!

  9. Let me Analysis about Trit Mohammed Omar when inter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammed after searching visit and Click on position Authority of Hadith than read deeply the background of Trit Mohammed Omar as follows :- Modern ideas methods or styles is a movement in the arts or religion that aim to break with traditional forms or ideas.
    (ዜመናዊ እሳቤዎች ወይም ስልቶች፣ ጥበብ ወይም በሀይማኖት ውስጥ ያለ ከተለመደው አካሄድ / ስርዓት የመውጣት እንቅስቃሴዎች) እንደሆነ በአክብሮት እንገልጻለን።

  10. Obey Allah, Obey Messenger and You will be Successeful.(Qur'an 4:59)

  11. Let me Interpreted Qur'an 4:59 O you believe! Obey Allah, Obey Messenger and those Charged with Authority among you as follows :- Taxation is a terms for When a taxing authority, usually a government levies or imposes a financial obligation on its citizen or Residents. Paying taxes to governments or official has been a mainstay of civilization since ancient times.
    For more information:- Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammed after searching visit and click on position Authority of Hadith than read deeply the background of Trit Mohammed Omar the virtue of Quality what doing right and what doing wrong. { Qur'an 4:31}

  12. Let me Analysis Qur'an 4:59 O you believe! Obey Allah, Obey Messenger and those charged with Authority among you as follows :- Income tax Department What's New Tax information and Services. Tax Law and Rules International Taxation.

  13. Let me Analysis Qur'an 4:59 O you believe! Obey Allah,Obey Messenger and those Charged with Authority among you as follows :- A tax is a compulsory financial charge or some other type of levy imposed on a taxpayer......... Thus tax collectors often monitor newspapers articles for stories about BRITISH CITIZEN TRIT MOHAMMED OMAR when Enter Google account account Write Globally Authority Trit Mohammed after searching visit the background of Trit Mohammed Omar monitor the newspapers Articles which is Article 54(3) that regulated the first classes boundaries of Ethiopian income tax brackets for obedience of the Law of Land / Article 9 of Constitution of Ethiopia/ Qur'an 4:58-59, Bible John 14:6, 3:27-30/ Naturalization / or Job with Visa Sponsorship for Trit Mohammed Omar from Great Britain Government.

  14. Let me Analysis Qur'an 4:59 O you believe! Obey Allah, Obey Messenger and those Charged with Authority among you as follows :- A Tax is a compulsory financial charge or some other type of levy imposed on a taxpayer...... Thus tax collectors often Monitor newspaper articles for stories about Peerages Taxation on Residency 30th April 1984 which is British Trit Mohammed Omar born 30th April 1984 in East of Ethiopia at BISIDIMO.........Acquired British Citizensh by Naturalization meaning Obeying a Law of Country you live in.

    For more information:-Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammed after searching visit and read deeply the background of Trit Mohammed Omar the virtue of Quality what doing right and avoiding what doing wrong. {Qur'an 4:31}

  15. Let me Analysis Qur'an 4:59 O you Obey Allah, Obey Messenger and those Charged with Authority among you as follows :-
    A tax is a compulsory financial charge or some other type of levy imposed on a taxpayer...... Thus tax collectors often Monitor newspaper articles for stories about Peerages Taxation Residency 30th April 1984 Which is Happy birthday for British Trit Mohammed Omar Whose graduated degree in Tax and Customs Administration fighting for breaking article 54(3) /Qur'an 4:58-59/ Naturalization obeying the law of Country you are live in related to definition of Taxation is the act of Taxing Authority, Usually a government leaving a financial obligation on it's Citizen or Residence. Whereas Trit Mohammed Omar new comment left Is Income tax department What's new Tax information and Services. Tax Law and Rule international Taxation important link FAQs Testimonial match to the idea of Home offices Relaxes Requirement for international Football Recruitm Trit Mohammed Omar change to international sportsperson Visa have associated (FA) make it easier for England Clubs.

    For more information Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammed after searching visit and Click on Position Authority of Hadith than read the background of Naturalization British Citizen Trit Mohammed Omar the virtue of Quality what doing right and avoiding what doing wrong. {Qur'an 4:31} again and again Obey Allah, Obey Messenger and will be Successful.

  16. Let me Analysis Qur'an 4:59 O you Believe! Obey Allah, Obey Messanger and those Charged with Authority among You.

    Charged with Authority those leaving tax on taxpayes or Regulation... etc and Contextual O you beliver! Obey allah, Obey Messenger and those in Authority among you. If you belive in Allah and last day..if disagree over anything refer in to Allah and his messenger that is the best way and best results (Qur'an 4:59).
    Having this instruction Trit Mohammed Omar who disagreed with Ethiopian People on breaking article 54(3) of the Constitution of Ethiopia by article 11 of Federal Income tax proclamation no.979/2016 are refer in to Allah and messager of Allah.

    To visit the results and best way international by Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammed after searching visit the position of Authority of Hadith than read deeply the background of British Trit Mohammed Omar with definition of Tax A Tax is a compulsory financial charge or some other type of levy imposed on a taxpayer...... Thus tax collectors often monitor newspaper articles for stories about Trit Mohammed Omar Peerages Creative income tax brackets that are regulated by article of regulations county live in Act 30th April 1984 Happy Births Day of British Trit Mohammed Omar.

  17. Let me Analysis Qur'an 4:59 O you believe! Obey Allah, Obey Messenger and those in Authority among you. If you belive in Allah and Last day. If disagree over anything refer in to Allah and Messenger that the best way and best results as follows :- The idea of Home -Central Board of Director Tax, Government to india say that Income tax Department What's new Tax information and Service. Tax Law and Rules international taxation important link FAQs Testimonial Match to the idea of Home office Relaxes Requirements Trit for international football Recruitment Change to the international Sports person Visa have associated making easier for English clubs Which is Reconcile the way of insert comment Trit Mohammed Omar has left a new comment on the Al-Qur'an 4:59.

    For more information Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammed after searching visit the background of Trit Mohammed Omar the peerages residency Creative Act 30th April 1984 Happy birth Day for British Trit Mohammed Omar.

  18. Let me Analysis Qur'an 4:59 O you believe! Obey Allah, Obey Messenger and those Charged with Authority among You as Authority Charged with definition/ Law insider which is the party here to covenant and agree with each other than none of them will take a position of income tax return or Taxation is an act of taxing Authority, Usually, a government leaving a financial obligations on it's Citizens or Residant, on the other hand we can say that immediate employment Definition/ Law insider an immediate employment refer to successful employment with month after trainee finished training.

  19. Let me Analysis Qur'an 4:58-59 Allah say that " Allah commands you to deliver trust to those worthy of them, and when you judge between people to judge with Justice. Excellent is the admonition Allah gives you. Allah is All hearing and all seeing and O you believe! Obey Allah, Obey Messager and those Charged with Authority among You. There are two ways any reply of the true believer .......when they are called by God and his Messager unordere that he may Judge between them. Is that they say we listen and obey such people are successful or Immidiate employment Definition/Law of insider or Job with Visa Sponsorshi for Trit Mohammed Omar awarded by Great Britain Government (Qur'an 24:51) and those who are hear but disobey (Qur'an 2:93) and also in Bible Jesus say that "I am the way the truth , no one can become to his God Except through me " (John 14:6) The ideas which the article of Regulation of the Income tax bracket and tax rate of Ethiopia by Art 54 (3) of the Constitution of Ethiopian.

  20. Let me Analysis Job with Visa Sponsorship for Trit Mohammed Omar as immediate employment/ Holy Qur'an 4:58-59,3:159-60 Bible John 14:6, 3:27-30.

  21. Let me Analysis Job with Visa Sponsorship for Trit Mohammed Omar from Great Britain Government as immediate employment/ Qur'an 4:58-59, 3:159-60 Bible John 14:6 3:27-30.

  22. Let me Analysis Job with Visa Sponsorship for Trit Mohammed Omar from Great Britain Government as Immediate Employment or Bible John 14:6, 3:27-30 or Qur'an 3:159-60, 4:58 and Qur'an Chapter 4 Verses 59 that separated People of Ethiopian in to the idea of Qur'an 2:93 and British Peoples (British People Trit Mohammed Omar ) in to the ideas of Qur'an 24:51.

  23. Let me Analysis Qur'an 4:58-59 O you believe! Obey Allah, Obey Messenger and those Charged with Authority among You as followe:- Taxation is the term for when a taxing Authority usually, government, levies or Imposes a financial obligation on it's Citizens or Residant. Paying taxes to governments or official has been a mainstay of civilization since ancient time. This is to defeat employment of UK in Ethiopia embassy team Abiy Ahmed by common reference number of department of work and Pension/ Department of Tax and Customs Administration fighting for breaking articles known as National insurance number, Whereas to defeat Parliament of Ethiopian by Definition of Tax:- A tax is compulsory financial charge or some other type of levy imposed a taxpayer.....Thus tax collectors often monitor newspaper articles for stories about British Trit Mohammed Omar...... ......create income tax bracket and Progressive tax rate that regulated by Article 54 (3) of the Constitution of Ethiopia for the sake of Economic Growth, Political and Social Stability,Excellent Climate and Soil fertility....etc For more information :-Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammed after searching visit and Click on Position of Hadirh than read deeply the background of Trit Mohammed Omar the virtue of Quality what doing right and Avoiding what doing wrong. 《Qur'an 4:31》

  24. Let me Analysis Qur'an 4:58-59, 3:259-160, Bible John 14:6, 3:27-30 as follows:- Trit Mohammed Omar born on 30 April 1984 in East of Ethiopia at BISIDIMO who acquired British Citizenship by Definition of his profession DEGREE in TAX and CUSTOMS ADMINISTRATION defeated Ethiopian Parliament, Employment of UK embassy in Ethiopia/ Team Abiy/ and the Blind believe in the position of Man Made Authority Chaltu Sani and Abiy Ahmed the greatest enemies of the truth.

  25. Let me Analysis Qur'an 4:58-59,3:159-60, Bible John 14:6, 3:27-30 as follows:- Trit Mohammed Omar Born 30 April 1984 in East of Ethiopia at BISIDIMO Who Acquired BRITISH CITIZENSHIP defeat Ethiopian Parliament, Employment Embassy of UK in Ethiopia/Team Abiy/ and Chaltu Dani and Abiy Ahmed The blind Believe! In the position of Man Made Authority, the greatest enemies of the truth by Definition of his profession Taxation/ Degree In Tax and Customs Administration.

    For Example:- A Tax is compulsory financial charge or some other type of levy imposed a taxpayer......Thus tax collectors often monitor newspaper articles for stories British Trit Mohammed Omar mentioned above. Generally We can say that A good DEGREE is a minimum requirement for many job, It is a legal requirement that have insurance for you employment.
    Employment who fail to meet the requirements of the course will fail. Meaning that There are a Residant requirement for obtaining CITIZENSHIP.

    For more information:- Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammed after searching visit and Click on Position of Hadith than read deeply the background of Trit Mohammed Omar the virtue of Quality what doing right and Avoiding what doing wrong.《Qur'an 4:31》

  26. Let me Analysis Trit Mohammed Omar who born on 30 April 1984 G.C in East of Ethiopia at Bisidimo and graduated Degree in Tax and Customs Administration and fighting for breaking articles Articles 54 (3) of the Constitution of Ethiopian by article 11 of Federal income tax proclamation no.979/2017 defeat Ethiopian Parliament, Employment of UK embassy in Ethiopia and the Blind believe in the position of Man Made Authority Chaltu Dani and Abiy Ahmed the greatest enemies of Truth by Definition of his profession Taxation and also who create income tax bracket and Progressive tax rate that are regulated by article of Regulation of the Constitution country live in.

    In Generally We can say that a good DEGREE/ Tax and Customs Administration/ is a minimum requirement for many job, it is legal requirement that you have insurance for you employment. Employment who fail to meet the requirements of the course will fail.
    For Example:- There are a Residant requirement for obtaining CITIZENSHIP.

  27. A Degree of Tax and Customs Administration is a minimum requirement for many job, it is legal requirement that you have insurance for your employment, Employment who fail to meet the requirements of the course will fail.
    For Example:- There is a Residant requirement for obtaining CITIZENSHIP.

  28. Let me Analysis Qur'an 4:58-59, 3:159-60 and Bible 14:6, 3:27-30 as follows:-
    Trit Mohammed Omar born 30 April 1984 G.C in East of Ethiopia at BISIDIMO, who graduated Degree in Tax and Customs Administration has fighting for breaking articles 54 (3) of the Constitution of Ethiopian by article 11 of Federal income tax proclamation no.979/ 2016 and who create income tax bracket and Progressive tax rate that are regulated by article of Regulation of the Constitution of country live in has acquired British Citizenship defeated Employment of UK embassy in Ethiopia(Team Abiy), Parliament of Ethiopian and the Blind believe in the position of Man Made Authority Chaltu Sani and Abiy Ahmed the greatest enemies of Truth by Definition of his profession Taxation.

    1) Employment of Embassy of UK in Ethiopia (Team Abiy)

    Taxation:- is the term for when a taxing Authority usually a government levies or Imposed a financial obligations on it's Citizens or Residanes. Paying taxes to government or officials has been a mainstay of civilization since ancient time.

    2) Parliament of Ethiopian

    Tax:- is a compulsory financial charge or some other type of levy or Imposed a taxpayer.......Thus tax collectors often monitor newspaper articles for stories about British Trit Mohammed Omar.

    For more information:-Please Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammed after searching visit and Click on Position of Authority of Hadith than read deeply the background of Trit Mohammed Omar the virtue of Quality what doing right and Avoiding what doing wrong. 《Qur'an 4:31》

  29. Concept of Public Administration with Reference to islam.

    (Allah commands you to Entrust Authority in to the hands of those who are best fitted to Discharge it ) 《Qur'an 4:59》


    In islam sovereignty over the universe belongs to God, Those who vested with Authority in certain spheres as a trust ( God's Vicegerents) are snswerable and accountable to God.
    The Holy prophet (PBUH) has said "Every one of you is a stweward, every one of you is accountable for that which committed to his care.
    British Trit Mohammed Omar and a hero Legend PM Meles Zenawi Foundation.

  30. How do I verify my identity on Government Gatway ?

    Answer:- we are verify our identity online by providing some information that only would know for example information about our passport or payslips. You can use any 2 of the following items to verify our identity online with Government Gatway.

    Obey:- Accept our Passport application or National Insurance certificate or taxscout IS.

  31. About Government Gatway

    Answer:- We can verify our identity online by providing some information that only we would know, for example information about our passport or payslips. You can use any of 2 identity online with Government Gatway payslips dated with last month p60.

    Obey:- Meaning that About our passport application on Accepted on line and it may be UK government payer or it may be payer on Universal Credit card. Or Our National Insurance certificate

  32. Concept of Public Administration with Reference to islam.

    O You believe ! Obey Allah, Obey Messanger and those in Authority among You.if you believe in Allah, and last day. If disagree over any things refer in to Allah and the Messanger that is the best way and best result.
    Meaning that There are two ways any reply of the true believe that hear and obey which become Successful LIKE British Trit Mohammed Omar and a hero Legend PM Meles Zenawi (Qur'an 24:51) and those who are hear but disobeying like People of Ethiopian. (QUR'AN 2:93)

  33. Concept of Public Administration with Reference to the islam.

    O You believe ! Obey Allah, Obey Messenger and those Charged among You. (Qur'an 4:59)

    There are two ways any reply of the true believe that become Successful LIKE British Trit Mohammed Omar and a hero Legend PM Meles Zenawi OR BLOGGER (Qur'an 24:51) and those who are hear but disobeying like People of Ethiopian. (QUR'AN 2:93)

  34. Concept of Public Administration with Reference to islam.

    O You believe! Obey Allah, Obey Messenger of Allah and those charge with Authority among You. (Qur'an 4:59)
    On Qur'an Allah say judge with Justice between people (Qur'an 4:58)

    BRITISH TRIT MOHAMMED OMAR SAY Justice is not only justice but also it is truth.

    Jesus say that " I am the way the truth, no one can come to his except though me" (John 14:6)

    There are two ways to Judge between them those are hear and obey become Successful (Qur'an 24:51) like a hero Legend PM Meles Zenawi and British Trit Mohammed Omar and those who are hear but disobey. (Qur'an 2:93) like Ethiopian people.

  35. Let me Analysis Qur'an 4:58-59 Related to Trit Mohammed Omar Job with Visa Sponsorship from Great Britain Government as follows:- The two ways of Chapter 4: verses 58-58 are:
    The verses highlights the quality of believers that they heard and obey Allah commandments. This makes successful infront of Allah. (Qur'an 24:51-52) Which related to Job with Visa Sponsorship for Trit Mohammed Omar from Great Britain Government say " Congurarualation, Trit Mohammed Omar You are qualified to work and study in United Kingdom on Sponsorship. .....Your visa Sponsorship has been successful and your salary has been Allocated and those who are heard but disobeying. (Qur'an 2:93) like Ethiopian people.

  36. Qur'an 24:51-52 Personal Excellence context National Insurance certificate Meaning that Excellence in Taxation.

  37. Let me Analysis Qur'an Qur'an 4:58-59 O you believe ! Obey Allah, Obey Messenger and those Charged with Authority among You as follows:- O you who believed; Obey Allah, Obey Messenger and do not invalidate your deeds. 《Qur'an 47:33》

  38. Let me Analysis the breaking Article 54 (3) of the Constitution of Ethiopia by Article 11 of Federal income tax proclamation no.979/ 2016 as the Jiza verses (Q.9:29) Tax enforcement - JSTOR Breaking an agreements is forbidden by the rules of Justice and fair play, which also demands keeping page P.80 Journal of Qur'anic study paying taxes. (Q.9:29)

  39. Let me Analysis Qur'an 4:58-59 " O you believe ! Obey Allah, Obey Messenger and those Charged with Authority among You " Reconcile with the idea of Qur'an 47:33 Which related to Qur'an 47:33 match to Employment Status for the purpose of Tax Law. For example British Trit Mohammed Omar and Prophet Jesus and British Trit Mohammed Omar, a hero Legend PM Meles Zenawi and God/Allah (SWT) proclaimed by Proclamation no.175/2012.

    For more information Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammed, Proportional no.175/2012 ) after searching visit and Click on Position of Hadith than read deeply the background of Trit Mohammed Omar the virtue of Quality what doing right and Avoiding what doing wrong.《Qur'an 4:31》

  40. Let me Analysis Qur'an (4:58-58 ) " O you believe ! Obey Allah, Obey Messenger and those Charged with Authority among You " as follows by substituted the same idea of in chapter and verses in Qur'an for example Substituted Qur'an 4:58-58 with Qur'an 47:33 Connected with Tax Law which is special employment performance for the tax purpose.

    For Example Prophet Jesus and British Trit Mohammed Omar and British Trit Mohammed Omar, a hero Legend PM Meles Zenawi and God /Allah (SET ) proclaimed by Proclamation no.175/2012.
    For more information Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammed after searching visit and Click on Position of Hadith than read deeply the background of Trit Mohammed Omar the virtue of Quality what doing right and Avoiding what doing wrong. 《Qur'an 4:31》

  41. Let me Analysis 《Qur'an 4:68-59》 O you believe! Obey Allah, Obey Messenger and those Charged with Authority among You as follows Substituted by the same idea of Qur'an Chapter and verses we are substituted Qur'an 4:58-59 with Qur'an 47:33 / Quality of Employment Status/ the tax purpose we are Reconcile to Tax law (For Example Prophet Jesus and British Trit Mohammed Omar and a British Trit Mohammed Omar, a hero Legend PM Meles Zenawi, God/ Allah (SWT) proclaimed by Proclamation. no. 175/2012 / which Match to Job with Visa Sponsorship for Trit Mohammed Omar from Great Britain Government.

    For more information Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammed after searching visit and Click on Position of Hadith than read deeply the background of Trit Mohammed Omar the virtue of Quality what doing right and Avoiding what doing wrong. 《Qur'an 4:31》

  42. Let me Analysis Qur'an 4:58-59 than Substituted by Qur'an 47:33 Reconcile with job with Visa Sponsorship for Trit Mohammed Omar awarded British Citizens.

    Congratulations, TRIT MOHAMMED OMAR, You are qualified to work and study in United Kingdom on Sponsorship.........your visa Sponsorship has been successful and your salary has been Allocated.

    For more information Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammed after searching visit and Click on Position of Hadith than read deeply the background of Trit Mohammed Omar the virtue of Quality what doing right and Avoiding what doing wrong. 《Qur'an 4:31》

  43. Let me Analysis Qur'an 4:58-59 than Substituted by Qur'an 47:33 Reconcile to Employment performance for tax purpose related to tax law inteprated in to Job with Visa Sponsorship for Trit Mohammed Omar.
    Congratulation, TRIT MOHAMMED OMAR you are qualified to work and study in United Kingdom on Sponsorship......You visa Sponsorship has been successful and your salary has been Allocated.
    For more information Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammed after searching visit and Click on Position of Hadith than read deeply the background of Trit Mohammed Omar the virtue of Quality what doing right and Avoiding what doing wrong. 《Qur'an 4:31》 and also in the same way enter after searching click image visit state of Quality proclaimed by Proclamation no.175/2012. 《Qur'an 47:33》

  44. Quality proclamation no.175/2012 Is Match to Qur'an 4:48-59, 3:159-60, 47:33 and Bible John 14:6, John 3:27-30 Which related to Job with Visa Sponsorship for Trit Mohammed Omar from Great Britain Government.
    Congratulation, TRIT MOHAMMED OMAR you are qualified to work and study in United Kingdom on Sponsorship program.....your visa Sponsorship has been successful and your salary.

    For more information Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammed after searching visit and Click on Position of Hadith than read deeply the background of Trit Mohammed Omar and also in the same way enter after searching click image visit state of Quality what doing right and Avoiding what doing wrong. 《Qur'an 4:31》

  45. Let me Analysis Qur'an 4:58-59, 3:159-60 and John 14:6, 3:27-30 Which Match to Our awarded Job with Visa Sponsorship for Trit Mohammed Omar....How it Process ? Our Answer is Our process which is Qur'an 47:33 Which our employment Status for the tax purpose we connected to Tax law. Which proclamation no.175/2012 Which is Quality proclamation.
    For more information Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammed after searching visit and Click on Position of Hadith than read deeply the background of Trit Mohammed Omar and in the same way enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammed Proclamation no.175/2015 after searching click image visit state of Quality proclamation proclaimed by British Citizens Trit Mohammed Omar, and Prophet Jesus and British Trit Mohammed Omar, a hero Legend PM Meles Zenawi and God/Allah (SWT) than Our visa Sponsorship has been successful and your salary has been Allocated.

  46. Let me process our job with Visa on Sponsorship program Congratulations, TRIT MOHAMMED OMAR, You are qualified to work and study in United Kingdom on Sponsorship program as follows:-
    HOW it Process? Our Answer is Our the process relativity concept of Public Administration with Reference to islam 《Qur'an 4:58-59》 Related to Qur'an 47:33 Connected to Employment performance Status special for tax purpose related to tax law.

    For Example British Citizens Trit Mohammed Omar and Prophet Jesus, British Citizens Trit Mohammed Omar, A hero Legend PM Meles Zenawi and God/Allah SET proclaimed by Quality proclamation no.175/2012.
    For more information Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammed after searching visit and Click on Position of Hadith than read deeply the background of Trit Mohammed Omar and also in the same way enter Google account write proclamation no.175/2012 after searching click image at the top of the page visit State of Quality British Citizens Trit Mohammed Omar, a hero Legend PM Meles Zenawi and God/Allah SET proclaimed by Proclamation no.175/2012

  47. Immediate Employment meaning that Job with Visa Sponsorship for Trit Mohammed Omar from Great Britain Government.

    Congratulation, TRIT MOHAMMED OMAR you are qualified to work and study in United Kingdom on Sponsorship program.

    For the Q. HOW IT PROCESS ? OUR Answer is Qur'an 47:33 for the tax purpose the process is related to Employment performance Status is connected to Tax law.
    For Example Prophet Jesus and British Trit Mohammed Omar and British Trit Mohammed Omar, A hero Legend PM Meles Zenawi and God/Allah SET proclaimed by Quality Proclamation no.175/2012.
    For more information Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammed after searching visit and Click on Position of Hadith than read deeply the background of Trit Mohammed Omar the virtue of Quality what doing right and Avoiding what doing wrong. 《Qur'an 4:31》 and also in the same way enter after searching click image visit state of Quality proclaimed by Proclamation no.175/2016.

  48. Let me Analysis Qur'an 47:33 Related with employment performance Status .
    In employment law a person may have different employment Status in Tax law.
    Contact Asas ( or the lobar Relation Agency in Northern Ireland) for advice employment Status employee right or employer responsibility.

    Courts and tribunals can make final decision on employment Status.

    For more information Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammed after searching visit and Click on Position of Hadith than read deeply the background of Trit Mohammed Omar and also in the same way enter Google account write proclamation no.175/2012 after searching click image visit state of Quality proclaimed by Proclamation no.175/2012 .

  49. Legal decision on employment Status

    A court or employment tribunal ( know n as industrial tribunal in Northern Ireland ) can make final decision on employment Status for employment rights purpose. They will look at how the employment relationship between the person and the work in practice.

    HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) May separately argue that someone is self-employed for the tax purpose. They may be confirmed by the tax tribunal and the court's.

    An employment tribunal or court may still make a decision that someone is a work or employee for employment rights purpose.

    For more information Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammed after searching visit and Click on Position of Hadith than read deeply the background of Trit Mohammed Omar and also in the same way enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammed Proclamation no.175/2012 after searching after searching click image visit state of Quality proclaimed by Proclamation no.175/2012.

  50. Legal decision on employment Status.

    Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the last day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and his Messanger have made unlawful. And who do not adopt the religion of Truth from those who were given the scriptures (fight) until they give the jiayan willing while they humbled. (BIBLE QUR'AN.COM) 《Qur'an 9:29》 context breaking an agreement is forbidden by the rules of Justice and fair play, which also demand and keep in page 9.80 journal of Qur'an studying paying tax related to the TRIT MOHAMMED OMAR requested to renewed of Ethiopian Passport ID no. EP3780316 Application Number TR25382322126831 and order Code EP71523951267 on 6 March, 2023 G.C and make agreement on Delivery date at 8 May, 2023 G.C at the Kasanchis post office but not order on agreement delivery date and place related to a demand keep in page 9.80 journal of Qur'an studies also paying tax . BibleQur' 《Qur'an 9:29》

  51. The Background of British Trit Mohammed Omar who on side of Tigray or TPLF when enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammed after searching visit and click on position Authority than read deeply about Trit Mohammed Omar
    All the word of Qur'an is a words of Allah. Therefore Ethiopian is not only enemies of British Trit Mohammed Omar, a hero legend PM Meles Zenawi and Peoples of Tigray but also enemies of Allah word.

    For example:- in islam obedience to law of Land ( Meaning onstitution) source Article 9 of the Constitution of Ethiopian, is a religous duty. The Quran commands muslims to remain faithful to not only Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammed but also Authority they live under.
    O you who believe! Obey Allah, obey his messenger and who are authority over you meaning that defeat you (Qur'an 4:60) for our success if allah SWT help you no one defeat you (3:160)

    Any county or government that guarantes religious freedom to follows of different faiths (not just islam) must be owed loyalty. The prophet Muhammad SAW stressed this point when he said:- " one who obey his Authority Obey me, One who disobey his Authority dis obeying me"

  52. Concept of wazifa is in Sufism the wazifa a regular literal practiced by followers and comprising Qur'an verses hadith of supplicate and varies due. Or term of recitation or dhikr that is done to achieved a desired result with specific periods of time meaning that planing. Which related to tax planing in many ways not violating.

  53. Let me Analysis about Qur'an 4:9 context your biography and also safety health working conditions or employment lam a person has different employment status in tax law help to determined employment rights and employer responsibility.
